Blue Springs Museum Garden
Blue Springs Historical Society’s Garden Blooms 12/7/2023 0 Comments By Extension Master Gardener (EMG) volunteers, Joanie Shover, Michele Cole, Sherri Carter, and MU Extension Horticulture Instructor Cathy Bylinowski, bylinowskic@missouri.edu The…
Read MoreApril Gardening
Spring is here. If you are interested in gardening outdoors, now is the time to start. Cool Season Vegetables, those that thrive in cooler temperatures can be sown into moist,…
Read MoreNative Landscaping for Wildlife and People
Dave Tylka, who will be presenting at the Master Gardeners Annual Spring Seminar, is a semi-retired professor of Biology at St. Louis…
Read MoreBringing Houseplants Down to Size
We sometimes receive calls from gardeners who wish to donate houseplants that have outgrown their location. In most cases, we don’t have room to accept plants and suggest that…
Read MoreBecome a Master Gardener!
Master Gardeners and Garden ‘N Grow Participants It is time to steer our friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, and any other people you know who are interested in gardening to the…
Read MoreDon’t prune mid-March through June
MO Tree Health News: March 9, 2016 It’s time to stop pruning oak trees! Remember the rule for oaks, “Don’t prune mid-March through June”. Oaks become more susceptible to oak wilt…
Read MoreDividing Peonies
Peonies are a favorite perennial of gardeners because of their beauty and low maintenance. In Kansas, peonies provide a beautiful display of flowers each spring before Memorial Day. Though peonies…
Read MoreEdible of the Month: Basil
Starting basil from seed allows you to grow lots of plants for little cost. Basil is one of the most popular culinary herbs and is used in cooking around the…
Read MoreFertilizing the Home Orchard
Fruit trees benefit from fertilization around the bloom period, but the amount needed varies with the age of the tree. Normally, trees primarily need nitrogen, so the recommendations are for…
Read MoreStarting Tomatoes Early
If you would like to have your tomato plants produce earlier in the year, there are certain things to keep in mind. Most people who try to get a jump…
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