
University of Missouri Extension Leadership

Tamra Reall, PhD (Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City Chapter Coordinator)

Field Specialist in Horticulture, Jackson County EMG Coordinator
Phone: 816-252-5051, Email: reallt@missouri.edu

Tamra Reall is an avid gardener, insect enthusiast, and science outreach advocate. She earned a PhD in Entomology from the University of Missouri and a BS in Horticulture from Brigham Young University.

Mailing address:

MU Extension Jackson County
Attn:  Tamra Reall
605 SW US Highway 40, #313
Blue Springs, MO  64014

Todd Higgins (Extension Master Gardeners of Platte County Chapter Coordinator)

I am the EMG Coordinator for Platte, Buchanan,  and Clinton counties, but not Clay County.

I am a Field Specialist in Horticulture for Clay, Platte, Buchanan, and Clinton Counties.  I have a BS in Plant and Soil Science from the University of Massachusetts, MS in Plant and Soil Science from Southern Illinois University, Ph.D. in Agronomy from the University of Arkansas, and additional master's degrees In Agribusiness, Education, and Agricultural Education from K-State, Park University, and Oklahoma State University, respectively.

I am based out of the Clay County office.

Phone: 816-407-3490, Email: trhiggins@missouri.edu



The Advisory Board (those with voting rights) includes the Officers, the Standing Committee Chairs and the County At-Large Representatives.


Officer Officer's Name
(term expires)
President-Pro Tem Sherri Carter (01/2026)
Vice-President Paula German (01/2027)
Secretary Karen Moninger (01/2026)
Treasurer Karen Kunz
Past President (non-voting member) Debbie Johnson


Standing Committees

Committee Chair
Communications Peggy Magelssen / Sherri Carter
Community Projects Gretchen Lathrop / Nicole LaPlante
Education Debbie Johnson / Janis Truckowski
Fundraising Paula German / Michele Livergood
Membership/Internal Open


County At-Large Representatives

County Name
(term expires)
Clay Jared Cole  (01/2027)
Jackson Paula German  (01/2026)