Organizational Information

The Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City (MGGKC) is a chapter of the University of Missouri Extension Master Gardener Program (UMXMG). The chapter shall be governed by the UMXMG Policies and Procedures and shall represent the interests of the University of Missouri Extension. The UMXMG Policies and Procedures supersede MGGKC Policies and Procedures.

There are two designated Extension Chapter Coordinators located in the Extension Urban West Region that is comprised of Jackson, Clay, and Platte Counties.  One coordinator guides the Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City Chapter and the other coordinator guides the Master Gardeners of Platte County Chapter.

The MGGKC chapter is led by an Advisory Board composed of Officers and Standing Committee Chairs. The Advisory Board is responsible for the management of the chapter and delegates responsibility for day-to-day operations to the Officers and Committees.

Standing Committees currently support numerous Community projects throughout the Kansas City area and provide a gardening Hotline and a Speakers Bureau.  Fundraising projects include a Garage/Plant Sale and Garden Tour.

"We're In the News"

MU Master Gardeners 'Dreams' team grows love of gardening, education

Tuesday Tip videos bring gardening tips alive

Master Gardener works to help prevent diabetes through fresh food

Truman gardens still bloom with beauty thanks to Master Gardeners

Missouri Master Gardeners volunteer to teach others their passion

Engineering firm volunteers at KC urban garden maintained by MU Extension Master Gardeners