Hotline Information
November 1st thru February 28th
Winter Hotline Coverage
(NO Master Gardener IN-PERSON ASSISTANCE at Clay County Annex)
Volunteers provide free, unbiased, research-based answers to your home yard, garden and plant questions
During the winter season volunteers respond weekly on Mondays.
Call or Email Your Home Gardening Questions
816-833-TREE (8733) – 24-hour voicemail
- name
- county
- phone number
- email address
- closeup & distance photos if applicable
We never share your personal information with anyone.
Below is information that may answer your question(s) or be of interest:
Soil Tests
For a detailed discussion about Soil Testing.
Plant Analysis
For information about getting a scientific analysis of a problem with any plant or turfgrass, see this MU website Plant Diagnostic Clinic.
Tomato Problems
Video - quick review of disease problems -
     - quick review of insect problems -
For additional information about tomato issues visit this webpage -
Garden Calendar
Our Garden Calendar will help you maintain a healthy yard and plan for the upcoming months/seasons.
Resource Links
These links will help you research your own questions.