Soil Test Information
A soil test measures the relative soil fertility levels. It is a basic tool in planning an economically and environmentally sound fertility program. Plant analysis, on the other hand diagnoses or confirms diagnoses of a visible symptom. Combined with the soil test information, plant analysis allows fertilizer management to be fitted more closely to a crop’s needs.
Here’s how to collect samples: Soil Sampling
There are 3 ways to submit your soil sample for testing:
- Samples may be brought in person to the Clay County Extension Center Website – Clay County Extension between 8:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. It is highly recommended that you call the Extension Center before leaving to verify that staff are working in the office at the time of your arrival.
- Samples may be brought in person only on Wednesday between 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to the MU Extension Office located at Truman Habitat for Humanity.
501 N. Dodgion St., Independence, MO 64050
- Anyone, in any county, can mail their soil sample to the University to avoid traveling to an Extension Center using the information found below.
To mail your sample and pay for processing, please refer to the following:
- How to package samples: Send soil samples in a clean, dry container removing stones, grass, or roots. Soil samples should be spread flat and allowed to dry completely for one day. If you have a soil sample box, use it. Otherwise, you can put your sample in a small brown paper bag. Put this bag into a plastic bag to contain spillage. A minimum of one cup of soil is needed. How to Submit Samples
- Download and complete the Soil Sample Form for Lawns and Gardens: Soil Sample Form
- Be sure to include the fee with your soil sample or prepay using a credit card. The cost of a Regular Fertility Test is very reasonable at $15. If paying by check, make check payable to MU Soil Testing. (Other tests are available at an additional cost.) If you wish to pay by credit card – Credit card payment info
- Turnaround time is generally less than 10 days. Including your email address will expedite the timeliness.
- Mail your sample to:
Soil and Plant Testing Laboratory
1100 University Ave
Mumford Hall, Room 23
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-882-0623
After you receive your soil test results, you may want to calculate how much of the suggested nutrient is needed. Here is a useful tool to accomplish that – Lawn Fertilizer Calculator.
There is a valuable video that will help you interpret the results using this link “Understanding your soil test” – Video (over 8 minutes) – OR for printed help Understanding Your Lawn and Garden Soil Test Reports and Calculating Fertilizer Requirements Based on Soil Test Recommendations