Garden Soil Preparation – It’s Not Too Late
Autumn is an excellent time to add organic materials and till garden soils. Winter can still be a good time to take care of this chore as long as the…
Read MoreFertilize Strawberries
 An August application of nitrogen on spring-bearing strawberries is important in order to increase the number of strawberries produced next spring. Plenty of daylight and warm temperatures during June,…
Read MoreFruit: Fertilizing Strawberries and Brambles
Most garden soils in Kansas have adequate levels of all nutrients other than nitrogen IF the area has been fertilized in the past. However, it is recommended that a soil…
Read MoreFruit: Fertilizing the Home Orchard
  ​Fruit trees benefit from fertilization around the bloom period, but the amount needed varies with the age of the tree. Normally, trees primarily need nitrogen, so the recommendations…
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