Native Landscapes for Small Spaces
Join us for our 19th Annual Spring Gardening Seminar to find out why native plantings are so important, especially in urban spaces, and how to pick the right “must-have”…
Read MoreGardeners Gathering Thursday, April 19, 2018
The Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City present ‘16 Together’, by Roy Diblik Perennial plant expert, grower, designer, speaker and author Roy Diblik is a recognized Perennial plant expert, grower,…
Read MoreNew Bee Balm for the Garden
 ‘Leading Lady Plum’ Bee Balm typically bloom in midsummer, but ‘Leading Lady Plum’ leads the way in early summer, flowering earlier and forming a more petite clump than other…
Read MoreApril Gardening Calendar
 Category    Week Activity      1 2 3 4   Ornamentals x x x x Study your landscape for gaps that could be nicely filled with bulbs. Mark these spots carefully…
Read MoreRhubarb
Rhubarb is a perennial vegetable that can be a bit tricky to grow in Kansas. It is native to northern Asia (possibly Siberia) and so is adapted to cold winters…
Read MoreWild Garlic, Wild Onion, and Star-of-Bethlehem
Wild garlic (Allium vineale) and wild onion (Allium canadense) are two closely related plants that can become weed problems in home lawns and landscapes. Though wild garlic and wild onion…
Read MoreOctober Gardening Calendar
Now that we are into cooler months and the gardening activities are slowing down I am going to to the calendar month by month. Will resume week by week next…
Read MoreSeptember Gardening Calendar Week 4
Ornamentals Continue planting evergreens now. Except tulips, spring bulbs may be planted as soon as they are available. Tulips should be kept in a cool, dark place and planted in…
Read MoreSeptember Gardening Calendar Week 3
Ornamentals Continue planting evergreens now. Cuttings of annuals can be taken now to provide vigorous plants for overwintering. Herbs such as parsley, rosemary, chives, thyme and marjoram can be dug…
Read MoreAugust Gardening Calendar Week 2
Ornamentals Continue spraying roses that are susceptible to black spot and other fungus diseases. Annuals may appear leggy and worn now. These can be cut back hard and fertilized to…
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