Become a Master Gardener!

Master Gardeners and Garden ‘N Grow Participants

It is time to steer our friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, and any other people you know who are interested in gardening to the Master Gardener Volunteer Training! We are accepting applications through June 15. Find the information letter and application at:

Your friends, etc. may also get an application and information letter by calling the University of Missouri Extension Office at 816-252-5051.

Do your part and make sure that MGGKC has a secure and active future. Make sure your gardening friends know about 2018 Master Gardener Volunteer Training this fall. Encourage them to apply!


Cathy Bylinowski, Horticulture Educator
University of Missouri Extension
1600 NE Coronado Drive
Blue Springs, MO 64014

Middle School students learn how to garden!