What are EMGs doing at the Blue Springs Historical Museum?
Blue Springs Historical Society -Blooming Blue Springs
The Blue Springs Historical Society partnered with Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City in 2019 to create Blooming Blue Springs Garden Team. If you have walked by the museum lately, you might have noticed that the garden area has been redesigned and a wide variety of plants have been established and the banners advertising free garden classes. Along Main Street, you will notice the beautiful flowers in the containers.
Last year, the team held free garden classes open to the public, all taught by Extension Master Gardeners (EMGs) or MU Horticulture staff members. They ended the year off with a fall plant sale with all proceeds going back to the museum gardens. Two stories were written and Illustrated, by 2 EMGs who are on the team, about the history of Blue Springs and the importance of gardening skills to the new settlers. The stories could be viewed by the public free of charge as they walk through the gardens or buy a coloring book inside the museum. The Team partnered with Downtown Live and Classy Clover 4Hers to Beautify Blue Springs by filling the containers on Main Street.
This year, the team is once again will be holding free classes and a plant sale, along with adding 2 new story books. They partnered with Downtown Live and Classy Clover 4Hers to Beautify Blue Springs by filling containers the end of April.
On Saturday, May 20, Historical Museum and Blooming Blue Springs will be hosting the Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City’s Spring Fundraiser from 9am – 2:00 pm. The day includes a dig and divide plant sale featuring perennials and vegetables grown by EMGs in their own yards and greenhouses. Proceeds will go to support MGGKC public outreach projects. Along with the plant sale, Blooming Blue Springs will be holding a free class about Using Pesticides Safely from 9-11 inside the museum and will debut their 3rd garden walk through storybook. The museum will be open that day from 11:00 – 2:00, and they will be selling concessions with proceeds going the hotel restoration fund.
Do you love to garden? Come join the Blue Springs Historical Society -Blooming Blue Springs Garden Team. They are in the gardens on Tuesdays (9-11), Thursdays (9-11) and the 1st and 3rd Saturdays.
Watch what they are doing by following Blooming Blue Springs on Facebook.
You can sign up for Upcoming Classes:
May 20, Using Pesticides Safely
July 22, Deadheading and Seedsaving Flowers
Sept 23, Blooming Blue Springs Fall Plant Sale