Seed Savers KC – 3rd Annual Winter Seed Exchange
Saturday January 17, 2015
11 am – 2 pm
Anita B. Gorman MO Dept. of Conservation Discovery Center
4750 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64110
COST: Free with suggested donation at the door
CONTACT: Dayna McDaniel – 816.356.9892
EVENT SUMMARY: Join us for our 3rd annual organic, non-GMO seed exchange! This is a place to bring something and get something. Items featured in this event include: organic, heirloom, non-GMO vegetable, herb & flower seeds, starter plants, shrubs, vines, bulbs, fermentation starters like kombucha, kefir grains, food grade essential oils, skin products, soaps, free range eggs, honey, bread starters, seed jewelry and much MUCH more – door prizes and free samples too! Please bring a little, take a little, bring alot, take a lot. Items brought to share must be packaged, labeled and dated. All are welcome, come learn about our expanding Seed Library, proper seed harvesting, saving and planting. Join the Revolution and promote organic biodiversity in your community, your yard and your home. For more information, visit our Facebook page: Seed-Savers-KC