Noteworthy Natives

Nepata Early Bird

It looks like spring has sprung!  Many gardener’s are thinking about revamping or adding to their gardens.  How about going native?  Check out the Missouri Gardener Newsletter for some great planting options.

Here are the top 10 reasons to plant native:

  1. Once Established, Native Plants Require Little Care and Maintenance
  2. Native Plants Save Money on Landscaping Cost
  3. Native Plants Are Pest and Disease Resistant
  4. Once Established, Native Plants Require Little Watering
  5. Once Established, Native Plants Require No Fertilization (Or Pesticides)
  6. Native Plants Survive Harsh Winters and Hot Dry Summers
  7. Native Plants Provide Wildlife with Food and Protection
  8. Native Plants Help Reduce Erosion To a Minimum
  9. Native Plants Are Non-Invasive
  10. Native Plants Look Like They Belong in the Landscape (Gets Us In Touch With Our Surroundings)