KCCG Communtiy Garden Roundtable

Kansas City Community Gardens’ is hosting their first annual Community Gardeners Roundtable and Potluck on Saturday, October 20th from 9am –noon.  Join us as we bring together community garden leaders for a morning of discussion and sharing of ideas. What are your successes?  What are your struggles and obstacles to having a successful community garden?  This event will provide a forum for you to share with each other and learn from one another.
Below you will find a list of topics that we think would be helpful. Please let us know the three topics that you find most interesting and applicable to your garden
•         Water
•         Soil health, compost, tilling and mulching
•         How do I get people to participate and stay interested in our community garden?
•         Vegetable gardening fundamentals
•         Planning your community garden and garden maintenance. Getting the most from your garden- how much do we plant?
•         Pest control and fencing
•         Fruit trees and berry bushes
•         Tools- how to choose the right tool for the right job?
•         How do I find funding for my garden?
•         Other:  Please List:_______
RSVP and let us know your preferred discussion topics at sharon@kccg.org
We look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you on October 20th.