KC Community Garden Events

Kansas City Community Gardens Invites YOU to some Very Special Events
Spend the day with US!

Fall Family Festival

Saturday, September 7th

10am – 3pm

Admission Free

6917 Kensington Avenue

Kansas City, MO  64132



Gardens at Sunset

Sunday, September 15th

5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

At the Kansas City Community Gardens

6917 Kensington Avenue

Kansas City, MO  64132

Tickets just $75 and available at

Order Your Garlic NOW!!!


Hard Neck Garlic $8/lb.

Soft Neck Garlic $2.50/lb.


Expected Delivery Date

Tuesday, October 1st


Call 816-931-3877


email earlene@kccg.org

Fall 2013 Workshops 


The following workshops will be held at KCCG offices in Swope Park – 6917 Kensington, Kansas City, MO 64132.  Workshops are all on Fridays from 12-1:30pm unless otherwise noted.  Space is limited; call 816-931-3877 to register.



September 27:  Soils and Soil Amendments

The condition and health of your garden’s soil is a major factor in the success of your garden.  Learn how to determine your soil’s condition and how to use soil amendments to increase the harvest from your garden. 


October 4:  Growing Great Garlic

You can plant garlic in November for a June harvest.  Learn about planting and caring for garlic so that you can harvest large, healthy bulbs.  We will also discuss different garlic varieties. 


October 11:  Fruit Trees and Berry Plants

Join us for a special combined workshop on growing fruit trees and berry plants.  Learn what varieties are best for this area and how to plant and care for them to get a bountiful harvest.  We will focus on the major fruit trees for this area (apple, peach, cherry and pear) and will learn about the different varieties of fruit-bearing shrubs (strawberries, blackberries and raspberries) as well as some more exotic varieties.  (note: this is a two hour workshop with the first hour (12-1pm) covering tree fruits and the second hour (1-2pm) covering berry fruits)


October 12: (Saturday, 10 – 11:30am) Starting a Schoolyard Garden

This workshop is a great opportunity for parents, teachers, principals, volunteers or friends of schools to learn information about beginning a schoolyard garden at their school.  Schoolyard gardens are a great opportunity for students from preschool through high school to learn about gardening, plant science, healthy eating and nutrition while being physically active and enjoying time outside.  Schoolyard gardens can be big or small – and are built to meet a school’s needs.  This workshop will outline program membership, typical schoolyard garden models, how KCCG can support your school, ideas and activities to weave your garden into your whole school community, and basic garden management.


October 18:  Fall Harvest Cooking

Learn fun and creative ideas for cooking with fall garden veggies, including winter squash, collards, spinach, cabbage and root vegetables.  This workshop features cooking demonstrations and recipes. 


October 25:  Vegetable Gardening Basics

This workshop is helpful for beginning and experienced gardeners.  Learn the fundamentals of successful vegetable gardening including:  site selection, soil improvement and preparation, garden planning, planting techniques, variety selection, garden maintenance and harvesting. 


November 1:  Growing Under Lights and Building your own Grow Light Unit

Start your own vegetable plants from seed at home under lights!  Learn how to use a grow light unit to successfully prepare for, plant and maintain seedlings that can be transplanted into your garden.  We will also discuss how to build your own grow light unit at a low cost. 


November 9: (Saturday, 9am- 12pm) Get Growing a Community Garden

This workshop is essential for anyone thinking of starting a community garden or wanting to expand or improve their existing community garden.

            9:00am-10:00am– How to Start a

                          Community Partner Garden

10:00am-11:00am– Making Your Community

               Partner Garden Successful
11:00am-12:00pm– Special Enhancements

               for Community Partner Gardens

Presented by the KCCG Get Growing Team.



Independence Workshops

Independence workshops will be held from 6:00-7:30pm at The Independence Health Department- 515 S. Liberty St. Independence, MO 64050.


October 7:  Garden Season Extension

Harvest from your garden through the fall and into the winter.  This workshop will discuss season-extension techniques, such as row covers and cold frames.  We will also discuss how to get your garden started earlier in the spring. 

Kansas City Community Gardens, located at 6917 Kensington, KCMO, is a not-for-profit organization that has provided over 30 years of self-help gardening in garden plots located in backyards, vacant lots, schoolyards and at community sites throughout the Kansas City metropolitan area.  Our web site is www.kccg.org.  Our telephone number is 816-931-3877.