July Gardening Calendar Week 2


  • Provide water in the garden for the birds, especially during dry weather.
  • Remove infected leaves from roses. Pick up fallen leaves. Continue fungicidal sprays as needed.
  • While spraying roses with fungicides, mix extra and spray hardy phlox to prevent powdery mildew.
  • Newly planted trees and shrubs should continue to be watered thoroughly, once a week.
  • Fertilize container plants every 2 weeks with a water soluble solution.
  • Keep weeds from making seeds now. This will mean less weeding next year.
  • Keep deadheading spent annual flowers for continued bloom.
  • Perennials that have finished blooming should be deadheaded. Cut back the foliage some to encourage tidier appearance.
  • Plant zinnia seed by July 4th for late bloom in annual border.
  • Spray hollies for leaf miner control.
  • Prune climbing roses and rambler roses after bloom.
  • Apply final treatment for borers on hardwood trees.
  • Fall webworms begin nest building near the ends of branches of infested trees. Prune off webs. Spray with Bt if defoliation becomes severe.
  • Divide and reset oriental poppies after flowering as the foliage dies.
  • Don’t pinch mums after mid-July or you may delay flowering.



  • Water frequently enough to prevent wilting. Early morning irrigation allows turf to dry before nightfall and will reduce the chance of disease.


  • Blossom-end rot of tomato and peppers occurs when soil moisture is uneven. Water when soils begin to dry; maintain a 2-3 inch layer of mulch.
  • Dig potatoes when the tops die. Plant fall potatoes by the 15th.


  • Cover grape clusters loosely with paper sacks to provide some protection from marauding birds.
  • Apply second spray to trunks of peach trees for peach borers.

