Gardeners’ Gathering

Thursday, February 21, 2019 “400 Million Years on Six Legs: Evolution of the Insects”

Do you appreciate insects or want a greater understanding of insects? Did you know that insects are the primary pollinators of our ecosystems? Did you know that insects were the first to fly, to sing, to develop societies and language? Come and learn more about these beneficial 6-legged creatures as The Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City present 400 Million Years on Six Legs: Evolution of the Insects Thursday, February 21, 2019 6:30 pm at the Kauffman Conference Center, 4801 Rockhill Road, KCMO. Our guest speaker will be Michael S. Engel, University Distinguished Professor and Senior Curator at the University of Kansas. Prof. Engel studies the diversity and paleontological history of insects, exploring what the fossil record of insects can tell us about their evolution. He is also a specialist on the biodiversity of solitary bees, and has conducted entomological research in over 40 countries – from the High Arctic to equatorial deserts and rainforests. Aside from numerous entomological treatises, he is the author of the recent book, Innumerable Insects, and co-author of the earlier Evolution of the Insects. Free and open to the public. No registration required. Door Prizes. For further information call 816-523-5526 or visit our website @ and look for Gardeners’ Gathering under “Public Education”.

Dr. Engel has discovered and named nearly 800 new species, including this 19-million-year old Dominican amber wasp (Leptofoenus pittfeldae) and the lovely Celia’s orchid bee (Euglossa celiae).