August Gardening Calendar Week 1
- Continue spraying roses that are susceptible to black spot and other fungus diseases.
- Annuals may appear leggy and worn now. These can be cut back hard and fertilized to produce a new flush of bloom.
- Deadhead annuals and perennials as needed.
- Divide oriental poppies now.
- Feed mums, asters and other fall-blooming perennials for the last time
- Roses should receive no further nitrogen fertilizer after August 15th.
- Powdery mildew on lilacs is unsightly, but causes no harm and rarely warrants control, though common rose fungicides will prove effective.
- Madonna lilies, bleeding heart (Dicentra) and bloodroot (Sanguinaria) can be divided and replanted.
- Divide bearded iris now. Discard old center sections and borer damaged parts. Replant so tops of rhizomes are just above ground level.
- Prune to shape hedges for the last time this season.
- Zoysia lawns can receive their final fertilizer application now.
- Apply insecticides now for grub control on lawns being damaged by their activity.
- Compost or till under residues from harvested crops.
- Sow seeds of beans, beets, spinach and turnips now for the fall garden. Spinach may germinate better if seeds are refrigerated for one week before planting.
- Cure onions in a warm, dry place for 2 weeks before storing.
- Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower transplants should be set out now for the fall garden.
- Prop up branches of fruit trees that are threatening to break under the weight of a heavy crop.
- Protect ripening fruits from birds by covering plants with a netting.
- Continue to spray ripening fruits to prevent brown rot fungus.
- Thornless blackberries are ripening now.
- Soak shrubs periodically during dry spells with enough water to moisten the soil to a depth of 8-10 inches.
- Once bagworms reach full size, insecticides are ineffective. Pruning off and burning large bags provides better control.
- Spray black locust trees now to protect against damage by the locust borer.