21st Annual Master Gardener State Conference

Final days for big savings in registration for 21st Annual Master Gardener State Conference!
This conference is open to anyone interested in gardening. Bring a spouse or friend and enjoy the hospitality of Kansas City.
Early Bird Rate ends on July 31st .
Regular Registration closes August 31st.
What’s NEW:
Each MGGKC graduating class is making a themed Silent Auction Basket.
There will be a great quality used book sale of 300+ books.
Our Vendor List will soon be on our website and several will take pre-orders one of which is MO Wildflower Nursery.
We have a fabulous Raffle planned.
*Go to http://www.mggkcconf.com for conference details*
Bring your gardening friends or significant other. The conference is open to all garden enthusiasts.
Full Registration (Friday thru Sunday) at the Early Bird Rate is $165. This special price ends July 31st. Regular Registration is $195. Registration closes August 31st