Root Washing: A Better Transplant

Tired of shrubs and trees dying in your yard? Learn the best way to get them to adapt and survive.

Root Washing

Additional Information

Root Washing, detailed in Fine Gardening magazine by Dr Linda Chalker-Scott of the University of Washington, is a way to remove potting material and get rid of harmful circling roots.  Learn the technique and see two Missouri Extension Master Gardeners demonstrate this in their own yards. This leads to a well-adapted tree or shrub.


Speaker Information

Chris Veach

Chris Veach has been an Extension Master Gardener (EMG) since 2001.  She is a nature lover with many passions including the planting and proper care of trees, destructive tree pests, beneficial insects, protecting pollinators, strip composting/lasagna gardening, butterflies and birds.  She loves sharing her knowledge with the community in the Speakers Bureau and answering questions on the EMG Hotline.

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