Lasagna Gardening/Sheet Composting

Built right over existing turf without special tools or great strength, you can create a no-dig, organically rich garden which will have good drainage and be so easy to work that you can plant using your hands. It is economical because the main ingredient is your garden waste.

Lasagna gardening

Additional Information

Lasagna gardens are a type of sheet composting using “green” and “brown” garden waste.  The specifics of construction, ingredients and “cooking” the lasagna gardening will be covered.  The pros and cons of Lasagna Garden construction in the Fall, Spring and Summer will be presented.

This is 30-45 minute program.

Speaker Information

Chris Veach

Chris Veach has been an Extension Master Gardener (EMG) since 2001.  She is a nature lover with many passions including the planting and proper care of trees, destructive tree pests, beneficial insects, protecting pollinators, strip composting/lasagna gardening, butterflies and birds.  She loves sharing her knowledge with the community in the Speakers Bureau and answering questions on the EMG Hotline.

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