De-Bugging Your Garden
This program will teach garden techniques which are safe to use in the environment. Focus is the management of insect garden problems by using the least toxic method or “Integrated Pest Management”.

Additional Information
This class will teach you to identify and treat harmful pests in your garden using the least toxic appropriate method. Genetic, cultural, mechanical, biological and, as a last resort, chemical controls are discussed. The use and preservation of beneficial insects is emphasized. Ninety five percent of the insects in your garden are beneficial.
This class is 45-60 minutes.
Speaker Information

Chris Veach
Chris Veach has been an Extension Master Gardener (EMG) since 2001. She is a nature lover with many passions including the planting and proper care of trees, destructive tree pests, beneficial insects, protecting pollinators, strip composting/lasagna gardening, butterflies and birds. She loves sharing her knowledge with the community in the Speakers Bureau and answering questions on the EMG Hotline.
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