Demonstration Garden at Sylvia Bailey Community Garden

1850 Southeast Ranson Road, Lee’s Summit, MO

In 2014 Lee’s Summit Parks and Recreation built this garden with forty-eight 10’x10’ plots available to rent. The garden boasts 14” fencing, full pressure water at 4 outlets, a shed with shared tools, hoses and supports and communal compost bins just outside of the fence. Yes, this is the Cadillac model of community gardens—it even has a Facebook page. Extension Master Gardeners teach small classes monthly and provide individual assistance to gardeners at the site. We participate with Lee’s Summit Parks and Recreation in their season kickoff and end-of-the season meetings with plot holders. Lee’s Summit Parks and Recreation makes available to MGGKC volunteers all the unrented plots in the garden. We plant these plots with vegetables and donate the produce to the food pantry at the Lee’s Summit Service League. This is an opportunity for demonstration and teaching and to encourage other plot holders to donate produce to the food bank.