Urban Green Dreams

Palestine neighborhood, Kansas City, MO

This historic neighborhood, bounded by 43rd, Linwood, Jackson and Benton, has five community-focused gardens within walking distance of each other.  Master Gardeners assist in these gardens with planning, maintenance and harvesting.

Palestine Garden of Hope was built with the assistance of Kansas City Power and Light.  The garden includes 8 plots and a large medicine wheel. Tables and chairs crafted from fallen wood provide a place for rest and sharing information. Working with the staff from a nearby child-care center and a senior center, Extension Master Gardeners help the children and seniors participate in the garden and enjoy the harvest.

Benton Boulevard Community Garden was built with the help of the Santa Fe Neighborhood Association. The large garden has a 2500-gallon cistern with a pump for easier watering.  The raised beds are handicapped accessible and residents of a nearby senior center participate in the garden. A butterfly garden is planned for 2015 with help from the Missouri Department of Conservation.

Mabel Washington Community Garden has a good size medicine wheel planted with a wide variety of herbs. There are 8 raised beds with a large area at the back of the plot devoted to blackberry bushes. Several neighbors help maintain this garden.

Bowers Memorial Garden consists of one large plot devoted to fruit and vegetable production. The harvest provides food for seniors at a nearby church and a homeless shelter.