Harry S Truman National Historic Site

219 N Delaware, Independence, MO

Operated by the National Park Service, the Truman Home is a National Historic Site. Extension Master Gardeners maintain the historic landscaping that surrounds the Independence White House.  Guided by a plan for landscape reconstruction and preservation prepared by the National Park Service, the landscaping is “frozen in time” to reflect the grounds as they were when Harry and Bess Truman lived there from 1953 to 1972, after the Truman presidency.    The Truman’s sense of Midwestern thrift and their strong desire for privacy require the grounds to remain somewhat overgrown and for weeds to be welcome in the turf.  Extension Master Gardeners tend to historic shrubs to preserve them for years to come and care for Mrs. Truman’s peonies that line the driveway to the carriage house.  Aware that history is everywhere at a site like this one, Extension Master Gardeners work with staff archaeologists when they dig at the site. http://www.nps.gov/hstr/parknews/index.htm