Ivanhoe Demonstration Garden

3700 Woodland, Kansas City, MO

In an overgrown empty lot across the street from the Ivanhoe Neighborhood Council Building, Extension Master Gardeners built a substantial fruit and vegetable garden as a teaching tool for best practices in low-cost food production.  Extension Master Gardeners teach gardening classes for residents and answer questions as they work side by side with the neighborhood. The long-term goal is for Ivanhoe residents to adopt all the plots.  In conjunction with the garden, the Ivanhoe neighborhood started a farmers market for residents to sell their produce. Extension Master Gardeners donate all the produce raised in the garden to this market.  In 2015 Extension Master Gardeners installed an orchard on an empty lot that adjoins the Ivanhoe Neighborhood Council Building.  The garden, the farmers market and the orchard are all part of Ivanhoe’s commitment to the “Grown In Ivanhoe” initiative.
