Demonstration Garden at Pendleton Heights Community Garden

300 Block of Brooklyn, Kansas City, MO

In the spring of 2013, community volunteers and Extension Master Gardeners built a large demonstration fruit and vegetable garden on an empty lot in the Pendleton Heights neighborhood.  Pendleton Heights is one of three recognized Green Neighborhoods in Kansas City.  Located at the south-west corner of Brooklyn and Minnie Avenues, the garden has variety of fruit trees and vines in addition to 66 raised vegetable plots.  Extension Master Gardeners collaborate with the Pendleton Heights neighborhood to encourage food production by nearby low-income apartment dwellers, to demonstrate to residents how to grow healthy food with minimal expense, and to improve the physical facilities of the garden.  Extension Master Gardeners donate produce from 16 demonstration plots to families who work raised beds in the garden, other Pendleton Heights neighbors and to a local women’s shelter.  Extension Master Gardeners teach classes and participate in educational opportunities at neighborhood events and at the Don Bosco Center. Together with community volunteers, Extension Master Gardeners maintain two elementary school gardens and 6 ADA compliant raised beds for special needs and elderly gardeners.