Garden F

Garden F – 7201 Belleview

This 100 year old home’s landscape came into its own after almost 60 years through the homeowner’s interest in vibrant colors. This garden is small with a place for everything and everything in its place. Shady spots around trees are brightened up with colorful impatiens; trees include Mimosa, ornamental peach, Japanese maple and red buds.

In the backyard you can enjoy sights and sounds of a fountain, two ponds and gazebo sitting area. A variety of structures including gargoyles and Easter Island idols add structure to the plantings. There are many plants specifically chosen to attract pollinators.

Even the vegetable garden is an attractive addition.

The homeowner credits much of the success to the religious use of compost. You will become a believer after seeing this beautiful compact garden.

Garden Highlights

  1. Impatiens Impatiens walleriana are used throughout the garden to provide pops of color.
  2. Hosta Variegated hosta provide color and texture in shady areas.

  3. Mimosa Tree Albizia julibrissin

  4. Clematis Clematis provide vertical Interest in the garden.

  5. Columbine Aquilegia canadensis

  6. Oriental Lily Lilium

  7. Garden Phlox Phlox paniculata